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Will AI Replace SEO

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Nov 07, 2023

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The Future Of Search: Will AI Replace SEO

Mets description: AI is changing many industries, but will AI replace SEO? Learn the potential of AI to impact SEO & how SEO professionals can use AI to improve their results.


Nearly 57% of all jobs that pay less than $20 an hour are at risk of being automated in the next two decades.

The rise of artificial intelligence is a threat to many jobs, including SEO. However, human ingenuity and creativity will always be in demand.

Before you start panicking and hoarding canned goods, let's take a moment to appreciate the human element of SEO. The best SEOs are like cyborgs: half human, half robot, and completely awesome.

This article will take a deep dive into AI and its impact on SEO and explore what the future holds. So, will AI replace SEO completely? Let's find out.

AI Replacing Jobs Statistics

  • 37% of marketers and advertisers are already using generative AI.
  • 81% of office workers believe AI improves their job performance.
  • 14% of workers say a machine has already replaced them.
  • AI was directly responsible for nearly 3,900 US job losses in the US in May 2023.
  • Since 1980, early AI and automation have driven wages down by as much as 70%.
  • AI could potentially replace 300 million full-time jobs worldwide.
  • 80% of American workers will have at least 10% of their tasks affected by AI.
  • 30% of workers fear that their jobs will soon be replaced by AI technology.
  • 81.6% of digital marketers believe AI will lead to job losses for content writers.
  • AI could create nearly 97 million new jobs by 2025.
  • 64% of managers and executives plan to hire more people for AI-related roles.

Will SEO Die With AI?

AI is not going to make SEO irrelevant or outdated. AI can analyze and process large amounts of data much faster than humans, which makes SEO tasks more efficient.

For SEO service providers, AI is almost a dream come true because it will:

  • Automate repetitive tasks
  • Free up time for more creative and strategic work
  • Improve the overall optimization process.

But AI still can't understand user intent or create high-quality, valuable content.

SEO is not just about technical optimizations but also about creating a positive user experience with valuable content. So, while AI can help with some SEO tasks, it can't replace human creativity and strategic thinking.

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The Benefits Of Using AI In SEO

Learn more: Here are the top benefits of using AI in SEO that will


  • AI SEO tools improve the accuracy of keyword research: They analyze millions of keywords to uncover long-tail keyword opportunities and identify potential high-converting search queries. This leads to improved SEO results, higher organic traffic, and more leads and conversions.
  • AI SEO tools help businesses optimize their content and websites in real time: They monitor and adapt to algorithm changes in real time, ensuring that content and websites are always optimized for maximum search visibility. This helps businesses maintain or even improve their search rankings despite changes to search engine algorithms.

How Is AI Currently Being Used in SEO?

Currently, AI is being utilized in various ways to improve the performance of SEO. Here are some examples:

Content Creation: AI generates content based on user inputs and data analysis, but the quality and relevance may still need human intervention. Tools like and Ryter assist in creating data-driven content, which saves time and effort for SEO professionals.


Technical Audits: AI not only scans your websites for SEO technical issues such as broken links, duplicate content, and page speed, but it can also resolve issues with little human intervention. This saves time and allows SEO experts to focus on more complex tasks.

Keyword Research: AI-powered tools like Googe Bard and ChatGPT can help with keyword research by identifying popular and relevant keywords based on search intent, competition level, and other factors.


Personalization: AI can analyze user data and behavior to create personalized experiences, such as recommending products or content based on their interests.

Designing and Images: In addition to written content, AI is also being used for designing and optimizing images. Tools like Midjourney and Adobe Firefly use AI algorithms to create amazing graphics and images that engage users and save a lot of time and money as well.

Accessibility and User Experience: AI assists in improving website accessibility for users with disabilities, such as providing alternative text descriptions for images or audio transcriptions for videos. This not only helps improve user experience but also ensures equal access to information for all individuals. Moreover, the correlation between accessibility and SEO is becoming more apparent as search engines prioritize websites that are accessible to all users.

AI A/B Testing: AI-powered A/B testing tools help SEO experts determine the best version of a webpage by automatically analyzing user behavior and making data-driven decisions. This saves time and resources compared to traditional A/B testing methods.

Challenges & Limitations Of Using AI In SEO

While AI has been making its mark in various industries, there are still challenges and limitations when it comes to using AI in SEO.

  • One of the main challenges is the ability of AI to understand the human intent behind search queries truly. While AI can analyze data and patterns, it still struggles to grasp the nuances of human language and context fully.
  • AI SEO tools are a costly investment, both for large enterprises and small businesses. This makes them less accessible to many businesses.
  • Implementing AI SEO tools into an existing SEO workflow is challenging and time-consuming, especially for businesses that are not familiar with AI technology.
  • Despite the advancements in AI, human expertise remains important in SEO. AI SEO tools help with data analysis and provide useful insights, but SEO professionals and content creators are still responsible for developing and executing the strategies that drive results.

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  • Communicating SEO goals and strategies correctly requires human creativity, interpretation, and the ability to understand the audience and create content that resonates with them emotionally. No matter how advanced AI SEO tools become, they cannot replace human empathy and judgment when it comes to content creation.

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The Balance Between AI SEO Software and Human SEO Professionals

This is a key challenge for businesses today. While AI technology has made significant advancements in automating certain aspects of SEO, there are still limitations to what it can do.

Human SEO professionals bring a wealth of knowledge, experience, and creativity to the table that cannot be replicated by AI. They can analyze data, develop comprehensive strategies, and adapt to changing trends in ways that AI software cannot.

On the other hand, AI SEO software can process large amounts of data quickly and efficiently to provide useful information and recommendations.

SEO professionals use their intuition, judgment, and empathy to overcome the limitations of AI-generated content and address challenges such as algorithm changes and changing user preferences.

Additionally, SEO professionals can ensure that AI SEO tools are used responsibly and ethically and that white-hat SEO techniques are prioritized for long-term success and user experience.

As AI SEO software becomes more advanced, the role of SEO professionals will evolve. SEO professionals need to learn how to use AI to their advantage, such as by:

  • Developing creative strategies
  • Crafting engaging content
  • Interpreting AI-generated insights to make informed decisions.

The future of SEO may not be about choosing between AI and human expertise but rather about finding a balance that combines the best of both worlds.

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Read more: ̌8 Best SEO Automation Tools For Busy SEOs

Future of AI in SEO

AI is already having a big impact on SEO, and it's only going to get bigger. SEO professionals need to embrace AI and find ways to use it to their advantage.

AI can save time and money on automated SEO tasks like content creation, keyword research, and analysis. In the future, we can expect to see even more integration of AI into SEO strategies. Maybe even AI-powered link-building services or digital PR systems.

One thing is for sure: SEO and AI are intertwined, and staying up-to-date on advancements is essential for success.


Can AI replace SEO jobs?

It is unlikely that AI will completely replace SEO jobs in the near future. But, it is likely that AI will play an increasingly important role in SEO, and SEO professionals who are able to use AI effectively will be in high demand.

Will AI replace SEO writers?

Human writers bring a unique blend of creativity, nuanced understanding of search intent, adaptability, domain expertise, and judgment that AI can’t match. So, AI won’t replace SEO writers.

Can AI replace Google?

Google has a massive index of websites and a strong track record of providing relevant search results. AI could potentially develop new ways to search the internet, but it would be difficult to replicate Google's scale and reach.


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