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A Complete Guide To AI Content Marketing

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Dec 18, 2023

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ai content marketing

AI Content Marketing

No matter the type of content you create or the stories your brand shares, there's a high chance that artificial intelligence (AI) can improve how you do it.

Contrary to what some might say, AI is a significant player in marketing. It's reshaping how brands craft and share their content.

One key area where we've seen a big impact is content marketing. Marketers are using AI Content Marketing to greatly boost their revenue and cut down costs.

In a 2021 State of Marketing AI Report, hundreds of marketers were asked about the benefits of using AI to automate over 45 common marketing tasks.

The top-rated uses for AI in marketing turned out to be content marketing activities. These include analyzing content, picking the right keywords, creating content based on data, optimizing it, making personalized content, and running A/B tests to improve it.

All these tasks in content marketing — and many others — can now be done with AI.

Wondering what AI is? How to start using it? What uses and AI content marketing tools you should look into?

This post will guide you through all of that.

What is AI and how does it influence content marketing?

AI encompasses a range of different technologies. You might be familiar with some, like machine learning, computer vision, natural language processing, and natural language generation.

These technologies use common principles to carry out various complex tasks, often matching or surpassing human abilities.

Take Gmail, for example. It uses AI to guess the next word you're about to type in your emails and suggests it to save you time. Tools like Grammarly use AI to give tips on improving your writing. And your iPhone can suggest suitable replies to the text message you just received, making it easier to respond quickly.

In all these instances, AI is employed to understand and mimic human language.

Understanding human language is the job of a technology powered by AI called natural language processing (NLP). Creating and speaking language, like what Siri and Alexa do, is done through AI known as natural language generation (NLG). Even basic NLP and NLG systems can analyze and replicate human language to some extent.

What's really fascinating is how these systems learn and get better over time.

For instance, Gmail's Smart Compose feature not only suggests what you might want to say next but also learns from the choices you make. If you consistently ignore a suggestion, it's likely to change its future recommendations.

The most sophisticated machines are now capable of learning and improving on their own, based on user feedback, without needing a human to constantly revise their programming rules.

What is AI and how does it influence content marketing

Read more: Top 24 AI in Marketing Examples That Boosted Business Growth

What AI skills do content marketers need to excel in AI content marketing?

Let's first look at the skills that might become less important in content marketing moving forward.

Predicting the exact roles and skills AI and automation will impact is tough. But, certain types of skills are more likely to be automated due to AI:

  1. Repetitive Tasks: If a task involves doing the same steps over and over without much change, it's likely to be automated.

  2. Data-Driven Tasks: Jobs that depend on data to get results are prime candidates for AI application.

  3. Predictive Tasks: If a task involves predicting outcomes, AI is particularly good at it.

Jobs with any of these traits are at a higher risk of becoming partially or fully automated by AI.

So, what skills should content marketers develop to thrive in the AI era?

Content marketers should focus on several key skills to leverage AI in the near future:

  1. Basic AI Knowledge: You don't need to be an AI expert, but understanding the basics of AI technologies, along with their opportunities and challenges, is essential.

  2. Data Literacy: While you don't need to be a data scientist, having a basic grasp of data literacy and its role in AI adoption is important. Don't worry, you don't have to excel in math for this, but you should know how to approach data and AI.

  3. Understanding AI Use Cases: It's crucial to understand how AI can specifically help your content marketing. This knowledge allows you to stay ahead and start experimenting with tools. This post is a great place to begin.

10 Ways to Use AI in Content Marketing

Content Planning and Strategy

AI is becoming a powerful tool in developing AI content marketing strategies. It's great for creating content maps, categorizing keywords into topics, and suggesting new content ideas. AI tools can analyze large amounts of text quickly to find trends and themes, thanks to machine learning and natural language processing.

These tools help content marketers find new subjects to explore and understand key subtopics their audience cares about by grouping related keywords.

AI content marketing tools can analyze search data to suggest new, relevant keywords, focusing on popular terms or those with high search volumes.

Some AI tools can even study the top-ranking pages on search engine results, analyze the content structure of leading blog posts, and help you integrate the most successful headings into your own blogs.

By using these AI Marketing tools, content creators can develop strategies that more likely resonate with their target audience, identifying the most relevant keywords and topics effectively.

Using AI Tools for Content Creation

Using AI Tools for Content Creation

GPT-3 has transformed the writing world, enabling the creation of human-like content effortlessly. This has led companies, content marketers, freelancers, business owners, and professional writers to widely adopt the best AI writing tools.

These tools allow you to select your preferred writing style, tone, pattern, preferences, and keywords for AI content marketing to create long-form content much faster.

However, it's important to have content marketers review and refine AI-generated copy to ensure it's logical, concise, and not overly formal.

Using AI-writing assistants for blog content offers several benefits: they save time, can create personalized and data-driven content, and, with the right guidance, optimize content for search engines.

These assistants use appropriate terminology to engage consumers and meet their needs.

Social Media Content Strategy

Social media is a crucial part of any AI Marketing Strategy. Managing a brand’s presence across various platforms, from writing engaging captions to scheduling posts, can be a lot to handle. AI can help simplify this.

AI Digital Marketing tools can not only assist in creating engaging content for social media but also schedule posts for optimal engagement.

The era of spending hours on individual posts is over. You can quickly generate bulk content with content automation, saving time and allowing for more personalization and wider audience reach.

AI can help in several ways for AI in social media:

  • Suggesting catchy headlines

  • Creating personalized content for specific audiences on different platforms

  • Generating posts in bulk, freeing up time for strategizing and distribution

  • Offering a range of tones and styles for different brands and campaigns

  • Creating unique hashtags to increase engagement

  • Crafting calls-to-action

  • Providing data-driven insights on the best posting times

  • Enhancing posts with visually appealing AI-generated images and videos.

Use AI in Content Marketing: Social Media Content Strategy


Using AI to Create Relevant Images

Creating unique and captivating images for your AI content marketing can be challenging. AI image generation tools are changing this by using advanced algorithms to create images that perfectly complement your social media posts, blog posts, landing pages, and ads.

You can even use these tools for creating collages, sparking your creativity with incredible AI-powered collage ideas.

These tools create images from text, using technologies like machine learning and deep learning. Tools like Jasper AI and Rytr are examples.

The images are tailored to your needs and can be customized to fit your brand’s style. They look so professional that it's hard to tell they were created by AI, saving you the effort of sourcing and editing stock photos.

Generating AI Video Content

Videos are another key visual element in marketing. Creating engaging videos is usually time-consuming and costly, but they're effective for reaching audiences on platforms like YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook.

AI video generation tools like Synthesia stand out in this field. You can create professional-looking videos with an AI presenter just by typing text. They offer a variety of avatars and narration voices.

Use AI in Content Marketing: Generating AI Video Content

These tools are great for creating onboarding videos or commercial content, making video production more accessible and efficient.

Curious about how video automation can transform your workflow? Learn more about its power to automate editing, captioning, and distribution.

Boosting Originality with AI

AI isn't just for creating content; it also improves it.

If AI tools can write content, they can also spot AI-written material. They use the same techniques to detect patterns in the text.

Content marketing AI tools can identify and flag plagiarism too. This marks a big change in the field of plagiarism detection.

Many online plagiarism checkers are already quite good, but now some use AI to be even more effective.

These AI-enhanced checkers are better because they can spot not only exact matches but also poorly reworded content.

They make it harder for people to plagiarize by just rephrasing, and they help writers identify and eliminate all types of plagiarism, making their content truly unique.

Optimizing Content with SEO Tools

Optimizing content for search engines is crucial in content marketing, especially for Google.

Various AI tools help writers and marketers incorporate the best SEO practices into their AI content marketing.

For example, AI content tools can analyze keyword density, length, and readability. Using these AI-guided SEO tips along with creativity, you can create top-quality content.

These tools offer advice to make content more user-friendly and can rewrite or adapt content for better engagement and search engine suitability.

Advanced AI SEO tools are also great for keyword research. They scan search results for your target keyword and find new keywords to increase your content's visibility.

Optimizing Content with SEO Tools

Strategic Content Distribution

Some online tools assist in AI Content Creation and also analyze user behavior, offering personalized insights.

These tools use data to suggest the best times for publishing content for maximum engagement and reach.

Some even post content for you.

You can target specific groups with your content on most major social media and search platforms.

These platforms let you choose user interests, ages, gender, needs, and locations for content targeting. This helps in creating personalized content that, when distributed rightly, can be highly effective.

Competitor Analysis with AI

AI tools analyze data from websites, social media, and forums to spot trends and patterns.

This analysis helps in understanding competitors' strengths and weaknesses and finding personal growth opportunities.

AI's competitor analysis also shows which types of content are popular with users. This information is useful for targeting specific audience segments.

Predicting User Behavior with AI

AI tools are also useful for analyzing how users behave.

They use methods like clusterization and technologies like machine learning and deep learning to understand user responses to different content types.

These insights help marketers tailor their strategies.

AI also uses predictive analytics, helping businesses outdo competitors and attract more leads.

Embracing AI Content Marketing: The Path Ahead

Creating top-notch content, whether it's written articles, videos, images, or podcasts, has always been a challenging task. Now, artificial intelligence is making a big impact in the world of AI content marketing.

Using AI to create content can really change the game for your business. It can help you understand large amounts of data, make the content creation process faster, and deliver content that's specifically tailored to your audience.

Looking ahead, AI's role in content creation is expected to grow even stronger. So, for marketers and content creators around the world who want to lead the way and stay competitive, focusing on AI from the start is key.


1. How can AI help in content marketing?

AI boosts content marketing by generating ideas & drafts, optimizing for SEO, and personalizing content.

2. Does AI content help SEO?

AI can support SEO by identifying relevant keywords, optimizing content structure, and providing data-driven insights.

3. How does AI content work?

AI content models learn from vast amounts of text data, predict the next word in a sequence, and adapt to different styles and formats.

4. Can Google detect AI-generated content?

While not perfect, Google can identify AI-generated content through unusual language patterns, factual inconsistencies, and lack of originality.

5. How much AI content is acceptable?

Google values unique human-written content. Use AI responsibly as a tool to assist creation, not replace it. Consider originality, transparency, and quality when publishing AI content.


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