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How Video Automation Fuels Your Content Machine (Without Burnout)

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Published On

Jan 24, 2024

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4 mins read
ai marketing
Video automation

Video marketing has become essential for success, not just an optional strategy. Nowadays, 88% of companies have a marketing team focused on video content. These small teams often run marketing campaigns that create a lot of engagement and work well across different channels, with video being a key part of their strategy.

If you're aiming to boost conversion rates, draw in more leads, or increase website traffic, you shouldn't overlook the power of video marketing. While companies now see how valuable video content is for marketing, doing it efficiently is still a challenge. This is where automating your video marketing can help.

Video automation involves using tools and software that automatically handle and edit marketing tasks. When you use automation for your video content, it can improve your processes and help turn leads into customers with the aid of automation software.

What is Video Automation and How Does It Work?

Video automation represents a significant shift in the video production process, leveraging technology to streamline and expedite the creation of video content. This innovative approach contrasts starkly with traditional video production, which is often time-consuming and costly. Video automation utilizes computer programs and predefined workflows to efficiently produce high-quality videos. For instance, a clothing company with a vast array of products can use video automation to quickly generate promotional videos for each item, incorporating details like price and product images, along with desired special effects. This method not only saves time and resources but also maintains a high standard of quality in the videos produced.

3 Different Ways to Automate Videos

  1. Code-Based Automation: Ideal for those with programming skills, code-based video automation allows for the creation of highly customizable and scalable video content. Libraries like MoviePy for Python and FFmpeg facilitate programmatic video editing. However, editing videos on a single computer can be inefficient and resource-intensive. Cloud-based solutions like Shotstack offer an API and robust hosting infrastructure, enabling the simultaneous editing and rendering of multiple videos in the cloud, without the complexities of setting up personal servers. SDKs for Python, Nodejs, Ruby, or PHP can be used to develop these automation workflows.

  2. Low-Code Automation: This method involves using low-code tools in conjunction with integration tools like Zapier or Make, and video creation products like Shotstack or Rocketium. It requires some programming knowledge and is somewhat limited by the pre-built integrations between applications. Low-code automation strikes a balance between flexibility and ease of use, allowing for powerful automation workflows with some degree of customization.

  3. No-Code Automation: For those without programming expertise, no-code video automation is accessible through UI-based tools like Adobe and Biteable. These tools offer limited automation capabilities, often through integrations with other applications like Zapier. While they are user-friendly and require no coding skills, their automation features are generally not as extensive or flexible as those offered by code or low-code methods.


5 Ways to Automate Your Video Creation

Video automation is revolutionizing the way businesses and content creators approach video production. By automating various aspects of the video creation process, you can save time, enhance quality, and increase engagement. Here are five effective ways to leverage video automation:

Adding Subtitles

Subtitles are a crucial component in making your videos more accessible and engaging. Video automation tools can automatically generate subtitles, saving you the time-consuming task of manual transcription. This not only makes your content accessible to a wider audience, including those with hearing impairments, but also caters to viewers who prefer watching videos without sound. Additionally, subtitles can improve SEO for your videos, as the text content is indexed by search engines, potentially increasing your video's reach and visibility.

Using Text-to-Voice Automation

Text-to-voice automation is a powerful feature of video automation that converts written text into spoken words. This technology is particularly useful for creating voiceovers for your videos without the need for professional recording equipment or voice actors. It's an efficient way to produce high-quality audio content for your videos, ensuring that your message is delivered clearly and effectively. This feature is especially beneficial for businesses looking to create content that is easily understandable and engaging for all segments of their audience.

Using Text-to-Voice Automation

Source: Lovo

Prioritizing Video Creation Goals

Before diving into video automation, it's important to prioritize your video creation goals. This involves identifying the purpose of your videos, the target audience, and the desired outcome. Whether you're creating videos for marketing, education, or entertainment, having clear goals will guide your choice of automation tools and techniques. This strategic approach ensures that the video content automation you produce aligns with your overall objectives and resonates with your intended audience.

Deciding on the Level of Customization

Video automation offers varying levels of customization, from using pre-designed templates to creating fully bespoke videos from scratch. Deciding on the level of customization depends on your specific needs and resources. Templates can provide a quick and easy way to produce videos, while custom videos offer more flexibility and uniqueness. Consider your brand identity, the complexity of your message, and the audience's expectations when deciding on the level of customization for your automated videos.

Adding Appropriate Texts and Images

The integration of texts and images is a critical aspect of video automation. Automated video creation tools often feature drag-and-drop editors, making it easy to add and customize text overlays and incorporate images into your videos. This not only enhances the visual appeal of your videos but also helps in conveying your message more effectively. When selecting texts and images, ensure they align with your brand's tone and style, and are relevant to the video's content and purpose.

How Does Video Automation Maximize the Potential of Video Marketing?

Video automation is revolutionizing the field of video marketing by offering tools and techniques that maximize efficiency and effectiveness. This technology streamlines the video creation process, making it faster and more cost-effective, while also enhancing the quality and relevance of the content. Here's how video automation is maximizing the potential of video marketing:

Generating Variants of the Same Video

One of the key strengths of video automation lies in its ability to generate multiple variants of the same video. This feature is particularly useful for marketers looking to target different audience segments with tailored content. By altering elements like colors, text, and length, video automation tools can create several versions of a core video, each designed to appeal to a specific demographic or fit various platforms. This not only increases reach and engagement but also allows for A/B testing to determine which variants perform best, leading to more effective video marketing strategies.

Creating Hyper-Personalized Videos

Hyper-personalization is another significant advantage offered by video automation. By leveraging data and technology, video automation tools can dynamically generate content that resonates with individual viewers. This includes personalizing videos with the viewer's name, location, or other demographic details, and creating content targeted at users based on their past interactions, such as views or purchases. Such a high level of personalization enhances viewer engagement and conversion rates, making video content more impactful and relevant.

Automatically Resizing Videos

Different social media platforms have varying requirements for video formats and dimensions. Video automation simplifies the process of resizing videos to fit these diverse specifications. With automation, videos can be quickly and easily adjusted to the optimal size and aspect ratio for each platform, ensuring that they look their best regardless of where they are viewed. This feature saves significant time and effort that would otherwise be spent on manual editing.

Eliminating the Hassle of Recording Audio

Video automation also streamlines the process of adding voiceovers to videos. Using advanced text-to-speech (TTS) technology, these tools can convert written text into spoken words, automatically generating voiceovers. This eliminates the need for recording studios or professional voice actors, significantly reducing the time and resources required for audio production. Some video automation tools even offer custom voice options, allowing brands to maintain a consistent tone and style across their video content.

Eliminating the Hassle of Recording Audio

Source: Gridly

Automating Brand Governance

Maintaining brand consistency across video content is crucial for building brand recognition and trust. Video automation tools aid in this by providing features that automate brand governance. This includes offering pre-designed templates that adhere to brand guidelines, centralized libraries of approved brand assets, and automated workflow and approval processes. These tools ensure that all videos are consistent with the brand's visual identity and messaging, reinforcing brand integrity and recognition.

Tips for Video Creation Automation

Video automation is transforming the way businesses approach video content creation, offering a streamlined, efficient, and cost-effective method to produce videos. By integrating video automation into your marketing strategy, you can enhance the quality and reach of your content. Here are some essential tips for getting the most out of video creation automation:

Determining Your Objective

Before diving into video automation, it's crucial to have a clear understanding of your objectives. This involves identifying the goals you aim to achieve with your video content. Are you looking to increase brand awareness, drive sales, or provide educational content? Understanding your end goal will guide the type of videos you produce, the content they include, and the platforms where they will be shared. This clarity ensures that your automated videos align with your overall marketing strategy and effectively communicate your intended message.

Choosing a Video Automation Software

Choosing a Video Automation Software

Source: Moovly

Selecting the right video automation software is pivotal to the success of your video marketing efforts. When choosing a software, consider the following factors:

  1. Ease of Use: Look for user-friendly software with an intuitive interface. This is especially important if you don't have extensive experience in video editing.

  2. Features: Determine the features essential for your video creation needs. This might include editing tools, customization options, and the ability to resize videos for different platforms.

  3. Integration Capabilities: Consider whether the software integrates seamlessly with other tools you use, such as social media platforms, analytics tools, or content management systems.

  4. Cost-Effectiveness: Evaluate the software's pricing and ensure it fits within your budget while offering a good return on investment.

  5. Customer Support: Reliable customer support and technical assistance are crucial for troubleshooting any issues you might encounter.

  6. Security: Ensure the software has robust security measures to protect your data and content.

  7. Reviews and Testimonials: Research reviews and testimonials from other users to gauge the software's effectiveness and reliability.

Creating Video Templates

Creating Video Templates

Source: Plainly

Creating video templates is a significant step in video automation. Templates streamline the production process and ensure consistency in your videos. Here's how to effectively create and utilize video templates:

  1. Standardize Brand Elements: Incorporate your brand's visual elements, such as logos, color schemes, and fonts, into your templates. This ensures brand consistency across all your videos.

  2. Optimize for Different Platforms: Design templates that are optimized for various social media platforms, considering their unique format and audience preferences.

  3. Incorporate Flexibility: While maintaining a consistent structure, ensure your templates are flexible enough to accommodate different types of content and messaging.

  4. Focus on Scalability: Templates should be scalable, allowing you to produce a large volume of videos efficiently without compromising on quality.

  5. Test and Iterate: Continuously test different templates to see which ones resonate best with your audience and make adjustments as needed.

Ways to Automate Your Video Creation

In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, video automation has emerged as a key tool for businesses and content creators. It streamlines the video creation process, making it more efficient and accessible. Here are some effective ways to automate your video creation process:

Adding Subtitles

Subtitles are a crucial element in making your videos more accessible and engaging. Video automation tools can automatically generate subtitles for your videos, saving you the time and effort of manual transcription. This not only makes your content accessible to a wider audience, including those with hearing impairments, but also caters to viewers who prefer watching videos without sound. Additionally, subtitles can improve SEO for your videos, as the text content is indexed by search engines, potentially increasing your video's reach and visibility.

Using Text-to-Voice Automation


Source: Hexact

Text-to-voice automation is a powerful feature of video automation that converts written text into spoken words. This technology is particularly useful for creating voiceovers for your videos without the need for professional recording equipment or voice actors. It's an efficient way to produce high-quality audio content for your videos, ensuring that your message is delivered clearly and effectively. This feature is especially beneficial for businesses looking to create content that is easily understandable and engaging for all segments of their audience.

Prioritizing Video Creation Goals

Before diving into video automation, it's important to prioritize your video creation goals. This involves identifying the purpose of your videos, the target audience, and the desired outcome. Whether you're creating videos for marketing, education, or entertainment, having clear goals will guide your choice of automation tools and techniques. This strategic approach ensures that the video content you produce aligns with your overall objectives and resonates with your intended audience.

Deciding on the Level of Customization

Video automation offers varying levels of customization, from using pre-designed templates to creating fully bespoke videos from scratch. Deciding on the level of customization depends on your specific needs and resources. Templates can provide a quick and easy way to produce videos, while custom videos offer more flexibility and uniqueness. Consider your brand identity, the complexity of your message, and the audience's expectations when deciding on the level of customization for your automated videos.

Adding Appropriate Texts and Images

The integration of texts and images is a critical aspect of video automation. Automated video creation tools often feature drag-and-drop editors, making it easy to add and customize text overlays and incorporate images into your videos. This not only enhances the visual appeal of your videos but also helps in conveying your message more effectively. When selecting texts and images, ensure they align with your brand's tone and style, and are relevant to the video's content and purpose.

How to Add Video Automation to Your Marketing Mix?

Incorporating video automation into your marketing mix can significantly enhance your content strategy, offering a blend of efficiency, consistency, and creativity. Video automation streamlines the video production process, making it more accessible and manageable, even for those with limited resources or technical expertise. Here’s a guide on how to effectively integrate video automation into your marketing efforts:

  • Understand Your Marketing Goals: Before integrating video automation, clearly define your marketing objectives. Are you aiming to increase brand awareness, boost engagement, or drive sales? Understanding these goals will help you determine the type of video content that will be most effective for your campaign.

  • Identify the Right Automation Tools: Choose video automation tools that align with your marketing needs and objectives. Look for features like subtitle generation, text-to-voice capabilities, customizable templates, and easy integration with other marketing tools. Ensure the tool is user-friendly and offers the level of customization you need.

Identify the Right Automation Tools

Source: VideoGen

  • Segment Your Audience: Video automation allows you to create multiple variants of the same video, making it easier to tailor content to different audience segments. Use data-driven insights to understand your audience's preferences and create personalized video content that resonates with each segment.

  • Create a Content Calendar: Plan your video content in advance. A content calendar helps you organize and schedule your video releases, ensuring a consistent and timely flow of content. This is crucial for maintaining audience engagement and building a strong online presence.

A social media content calendar example

Source: Semrush

  • Develop Templates for Consistency: Use video automation to create templates that reflect your brand’s visual identity. Templates ensure consistency across your videos, which is key to building brand recognition. They also speed up the production process, allowing you to focus on crafting compelling content.

  • Experiment with Different Video Formats: Video automation tools offer the flexibility to experiment with various formats, such as explainer videos, product demos, or customer testimonials. Test different formats to see what works best for your audience and objectives.

  • Optimize for Different Platforms: Ensure your videos are optimized for different platforms. Video automation tools can resize and format videos to meet the specifications of various social media platforms, maximizing your content’s reach and effectiveness.

  • Measure and Analyze Performance: Use analytics to track the performance of your automated videos. Analyzing metrics such as views, engagement rates, and conversion rates will help you understand what resonates with your audience and refine your strategy accordingly.

  • Stay Updated with Trends: The digital landscape is constantly evolving, and so are video marketing trends. Stay informed about the latest trends and incorporate them into your video content to keep it fresh and relevant.

  • Blend Automation with Creativity: While video automation offers efficiency, it’s important to balance it with creativity. Use automation for the technical aspects of video production, but ensure that the storytelling and creative elements are engaging and original.

Industries That Can Benefit from Video Automation

Video automation offers numerous advantages to a wide range of industries. By streamlining video production processes, businesses across various sectors can reap the benefits of time and cost savings, increased content output, and improved overall quality. Here are five industries that can significantly benefit from video automation:

Media Companies and Publishers

As the demand for engaging and visually appealing content grows, media companies and publishers need to produce a high volume of video content regularly. Video automation enables these organizations to create consistent and eye-catching videos efficiently, ensuring they stay ahead of the competition while maintaining a strong online presence.

High Volume Photo Studios

Photo studios that manage a large number of projects can benefit from video automation by streamlining their workflow. Automated video creation allows them to quickly turn static images into dynamic video content, enhancing their portfolio and offering a more comprehensive service to their clients.

Real Estate

Real estate agencies can utilize video automation to showcase their property listings in a more engaging and interactive manner. By creating virtual tours and property highlight videos, they can attract potential buyers and renters, increasing the chances of closing deals more quickly.

Creative Agencies

Creative agencies are always looking for innovative ways to communicate their clients' messages and tell their stories. Video automation enables them to create customized and personalized video content for various marketing campaigns, ensuring that each client's unique message is effectively conveyed to their target audience.

Tech Companies

Video automation can help tech companies explain complex concepts and showcase their products in a more accessible and engaging way. By using automated video content, they can demonstrate product features, provide tutorials, and create promotional materials that resonate with their target audience, driving interest and conversion rates.

How to Implement Video Automation in 3 Easy Steps?

Automating your video creation process does not have to be a complicated task. By using's AI-powered platform, you can follow these three simple steps to streamline your video production and improve the efficiency of your content marketing strategy.

Choosing or Creating a Video Template

The first step in implementing video automation is to choose a suitable template or create one that aligns with your brand identity and messaging. offers a variety of pre-designed templates that cater to different industries and content types. Additionally, you have the option to customize these templates or create your own from scratch, ensuring that your videos maintain a consistent look and feel across all platforms.

Choosing or Creating a Video Template

Source: Invideo

Adding Data and Content to the Template

Once you have selected or designed a template, the next step is to add your data and content. This can include text, images, and other multimedia elements that make up your video.'s AI-powered content generation capabilities can assist you in creating engaging and relevant video scripts, visuals, and other assets. Furthermore, the platform's topic recommendations can help you generate new ideas for video content that resonates with your target audience.

Rendering and Sharing the Automated Videos

After inputting your data and content, the final step is rendering and sharing your automated videos. streamlines this process by allowing you to render your videos efficiently and share them across various social media platforms with ease. This seamless integration ensures that your video content reaches the right audience, maximizing your marketing efforts and driving increased engagement and conversions.

Is Video Automation Right for You?

Video automation is transforming the landscape of video production, offering a streamlined, efficient approach to creating video content. But is it the right choice for your needs? To determine this, consider several key factors:

  1. Type of Video Content: Assess the nature of the videos you intend to produce. Are they animated, story-based, or illustrative? Video automation excels in scenarios where the content has repetitive patterns, such as real estate showcases or product demonstrations.

  2. Volume and Frequency: If your strategy involves producing a high volume of videos, especially those with similar formats or templates, video automation can be a game-changer. It's particularly beneficial for businesses that need to churn out content regularly, ensuring both consistency and efficiency.

  3. Customization and Complexity: While video automation offers significant advantages in terms of speed and cost-effectiveness, it may not always cater to the need for high-level customization or intricate editing required in some types of content. If your videos require detailed color correction, special effects, or unique storytelling elements, traditional video production might be more suitable.

  4. Resource Allocation: Consider your resources, both in terms of budget and manpower. Video automation can significantly reduce the time and financial investment needed for video production, making it an attractive option for businesses looking to optimize their resource allocation.

  5. Target Platform and Audience Engagement: The platform where the video will be published and the expected level of audience engagement are crucial considerations. Video automation tools can tailor content for different platforms and audience segments, enhancing engagement and reach.

The Future of Video Automation

The future of video automation is poised for significant growth and innovation, driven by advancements in technology and changing market demands. Here's what we can anticipate:

  1. Integration with AI and Machine Learning: As artificial intelligence and machine learning continue to evolve, their integration into video automation tools will enhance the ability to create more personalized, dynamic content. This could lead to more sophisticated targeting and customization options, further elevating the effectiveness of video marketing strategies.

  2. Increased Accessibility and User-Friendliness: Future developments in video automation are likely to focus on making these tools more accessible and user-friendly. This democratization of video production will enable even those with minimal technical skills to create high-quality, professional-looking videos.

  3. Expansion in Various Industries: Video automation is set to expand its footprint across various industries. Sectors like real estate, travel, automotive, sports, and media will increasingly leverage automated video production to meet their growing content needs efficiently.

  4. Enhanced Personalization and Scalability: The ability to produce hyper-personalized content at scale is a key advantage of video automation. Future advancements will likely focus on enhancing these capabilities, allowing businesses to create content that resonates more deeply with individual viewers.

  5. Balancing Creativity and Automation: While video automation offers numerous benefits, the need for originality and creativity in video content remains paramount. The future will likely see a balanced approach, where automation is used for efficiency and scalability, while human creativity drives the storytelling and emotional aspects of video production.

Embrace Video Automation Today

Video automation represents a significant advancement in the realm of digital marketing, offering a powerful tool for businesses to enhance their video content strategy. By automating the video creation process, companies can efficiently produce high-quality, engaging, and personalized videos that resonate with their target audience. This technology not only streamlines production but also ensures consistency and brand alignment across all video content. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, video automation stands out as a key enabler for businesses to stay competitive and relevant in their marketing efforts. Whether it's through generating multiple video variants, creating hyper-personalized content, or optimizing videos for different platforms, video automation is undoubtedly shaping the future of video marketing, making it an indispensable asset for any forward-thinking marketing strategy.


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