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How to Write Faster: Techniques to Outperform Most Writers

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May 08, 2024

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How to Write Faster: Techniques to Outperform Most Writers

Writing quickly is crucial for content creators looking to boost productivity and provide top-notch content to their audience.

Here are expert tips to help you write faster and more efficiently, ensuring your content is engaging, relevant, and optimized for search engines.

General Principles for Faster Writing

General Principles for Faster Writing

Streamline the Writing Process

  1. Pre-Planning: Spend time on outlining and brainstorming before you start writing. Use tools and software that allow you to quickly dump your thoughts and structure them.

  2. Batch Similar Tasks: Group similar activities together to maintain flow and efficiency. For example, do all your research at once, then move to writing.

  3. Write First, Edit Later: Resist the urge to edit while you write. This can break your flow and slow you down. Leave editing for after your drafting phase.

Create a Routine for Writing

  1. Set a Specific Time: Choose a particular time of the day when you are most productive. Make this your designated writing time.

  2. Warm-up: Start with a warm-up routine to get into the writing mode. This could be as simple as free writing or meditating for a few minutes.

  3. Consistency is Key: The more consistently you write, the faster and more efficient you become. Try to write at the same time every day to develop a habit.

Set Up a Comfortable Writing Environment

  1. Ergonomics Matter: Ensure your writing space is comfortable. Have a good chair, a desk at the right height, and everything you need within reach.

  2. Lighting and Noise: Good lighting can reduce eye strain, and a quiet or appropriately noisy environment (like white noise or ambient sounds) can increase concentration and writing speed.

  3. Organize Your Space: Keep your writing space tidy and organized. A clutter-free environment can help reduce stress and boost your writing speed.

Have Your Tools Ready

  1. Software and Apps: Have all the software and apps you need ready before you start. This includes word processors, note-taking apps, and any specific software for research or outlining.

  2. Resources at Hand: Keep all necessary resources—books, articles, research papers—easily accessible to avoid interruptions during the writing process.

  3. Technology Setup: Ensure your computer is fast enough and that you have a reliable internet connection if needed for research.

Techniques to Increase Writing Speed

Techniques to Increase Writing Speed

Improving your writing speed is essential whether you're crafting blog posts, essays, or books. Learning how to write faster can significantly boost your productivity and efficiency. Here are several proven techniques that integrate seamlessly with various writing projects:

Type Faster/Increase Your Typing Speed

Increasing your typing speed is a straightforward yet effective way to write faster. Here are some methods to enhance your typing skills:

  • Typing Games and Software: Engage with typing software or online games designed to improve typing speed and accuracy. Websites like offer exercises that help develop muscle memory and finger agility.

  • Touch Typing: Learn to type without looking at the keyboard. Touch typing involves using all ten fingers and knowing key placements by heart, which significantly speeds up the typing process.

  • Ergonomic Setup: Ensure your keyboard and chair height are optimally set to facilitate fast typing without strain. Comfortable wrist rests can also prevent fatigue during long writing sessions.

Use Voice-to-Text Dictation

Voice-to-text software can dramatically increase writing speed, especially for those who find typing cumbersome or slow. Here’s how you can integrate dictation into your writing process:

  • Choose Quality Software: Opt for reliable dictation software like Dragon NaturallySpeaking or Google Docs Voice Typing to ensure accuracy and ease of use.

  • Practice Regularly: Regular use of voice-to-text tools can help you become more proficient and reduce the frequency of errors, making the editing process faster.

  • Speak Clearly: Articulate clearly and pace your speech to improve the software’s accuracy and reduce the time spent on corrections.

Use Placeholders for Unfinished Research

When writing a draft, you may encounter points that require further research. Instead of stopping to look up information, use placeholders to keep your writing flow uninterrupted:

  • Implement Placeholder Tags: Use a unique tag like "TK" (to come) or any other uncommon combination of letters that you can easily search and replace later.

  • Highlight Placeholders: Make placeholders stand out by highlighting them or changing the text color, ensuring they are noticeable during the editing phase.

Turn Off Spelling and Grammar Checkers

While helpful for polishing final drafts, spelling and grammar checkers can disrupt the writing flow if enabled during the initial drafting phase. Here’s why turning them off can benefit your writing speed:

  • Reduce Distractions: Disabling these tools prevents you from getting sidetracked by corrections and allows you to focus solely on getting your ideas down.

  • Save Time: Concentrate on writing first and editing later. This separation of tasks can lead to more efficient use of time and a quicker writing process.

Write Without Looking at the Screen

One unique technique that can significantly boost writing speed is writing without looking at the screen. This method helps writers avoid the distraction of correcting errors as they type, thereby increasing the flow of words and enabling a more continuous thought process. Typing without looking at the screen can initially be challenging but becomes more manageable with practice. By focusing purely on the content rather than the mechanics of typing, writers can maintain a steadier pace and reduce the time spent on revisions during the drafting phase.

Use the Best Writing Apps

Leveraging technology can also contribute to writing speed. Utilizing the best writing apps available can streamline the writing process and enhance productivity. Tools like Scrivener for complex writing projects or Google Docs for cloud-based writing and easy sharing are indispensable. These apps often come with features designed to help organize research, structure drafts, and even monitor progress, allowing writers to work more efficiently. For instance, Scrivener offers a corkboard and outline view that helps writers structure their work more effectively, while apps like Grammarly provide real-time grammatical assistance, reducing editing time later on.

Experiment with Dictation Software

Dictation software represents a transformative shift from typing to speaking, which can dramatically increase the number of words produced per hour. Programs like Dragon NaturallySpeaking or Google Docs' voice typing feature enable writers to dictate their work, which can be particularly useful for those who think faster than they type. This approach not only speeds up the writing process but also helps in capturing a more natural and conversational tone, which can be beneficial for crafting engaging blog posts or lively dialogue in stories.

Silence Your Inner Editor

To write quickly, especially in initial drafts, it's crucial to silence your inner editor. Constant self-correction disrupts the flow of writing and can significantly slow down the process. By allowing yourself to write freely without immediate concern for grammar, structure, or even coherence, you can maintain a steady flow of ideas and significantly boost productivity. This approach involves postponing the editing phase until after the first draft is complete, which can also help in viewing the work more objectively and making more effective revisions.

Insert Placeholder Text

One effective strategy to increase writing speed, particularly when aiming to write faster and more efficiently, is the use of placeholder text. This technique is beneficial when you encounter gaps in your knowledge or need to conduct additional research to complete a section of your writing. Instead of halting your writing process to look up information, you can insert a unique placeholder text like "TK" (a common journalistic shorthand for "to come") or another easily searchable term. This method allows you to continue your flow of writing without interruption, maintaining momentum and focus on the composition at hand.

The advantage of using placeholder text lies in its ability to keep you engaged in the writing process. By not disrupting your workflow for every detail or fact-check, you can significantly increase the quantity of your output in the initial drafting phase. Later, during the editing stage, you can use the search function to quickly locate all instances of the placeholder text and replace them with the appropriate information or data.

Structuring Your Writing Time

Structuring Your Writing Time

Effectively structuring your writing time is crucial for maximizing productivity and improving your ability to write faster. Here's how you can organize your writing sessions to enhance efficiency and output.

Schedule Undisturbed Writing Time

To write faster, especially when tackling projects like blog posts or essays, it's essential to schedule undisturbed writing time. Choose a part of your day when you are least likely to be interrupted—this could be early morning or late at night, depending on your personal and professional obligations. During this time, make sure you are completely focused on writing by turning off all notifications and distractions. Having a clear, uninterrupted time slot allows you to dive deeper into your writing, making the process faster and more efficient.

Set Timers and Beat the Clock

Using timers is an excellent method for increasing writing speed. Set a timer for a reasonable yet challenging period—say, 25 to 30 minutes—and try to write as much as you can within this timeframe. This method, known as "time boxing," helps create a sense of urgency and prompts you to write quicker. It's also a fantastic way to measure your writing speed and gradually improve your ability to write more in less time.

Use the Pomodoro Technique

The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method that can be particularly effective for writers looking to boost their productivity. This technique involves writing for 25 minutes straight, followed by a 5-minute break. After four "Pomodoros," take a longer break of about 15 to 30 minutes. This technique helps maintain high levels of concentration while preventing burnout, allowing you to write faster and more efficiently over longer periods.

Break the Writing Process into Manageable Sections

Breaking your writing process into smaller, manageable sections can significantly enhance your ability to write quickly. Start by outlining the major points you want to cover, then tackle each section one at a time. This approach not only keeps you organized but also prevents the feeling of being overwhelmed by a large volume of work, which can often lead to procrastination.

Stop While You Still Know What's Next

A useful strategy adopted by many prolific writers, including Ernest Hemingway, is to stop writing while you still know what's going to happen next. This technique ensures that you have a clear starting point for your next writing session, reducing the time spent on getting back into the flow. Additionally, it keeps your mind actively engaged with your writing project even during downtime, which can lead to new ideas and insights.

Enhancing Focus and Creativity

Enhancing Focus and Creativity

To write effectively and efficiently, enhancing focus and creativity is crucial. Here are some strategies to help you create a conducive writing environment, drawn from several expert sources on writing productivity.

Minimize/Block All Distractions

The first step in ensuring a productive writing session is to minimize or completely block all potential distractions. This includes silencing your phone, using apps like Freedom or Cold Turkey to block distracting websites, and setting clear boundaries with those around you to ensure you are not disturbed. Creating a distraction-free environment allows you to focus deeply, which is essential for writing faster and producing high-quality content. This approach is particularly beneficial when you need to write blog posts quickly or meet tight deadlines on essays or reports.

Choose the Right Music or Noise Blocker

Background noise can be a significant distraction, but the right kind of noise can actually enhance focus and creativity. Many writers find that listening to music without lyrics, such as classical music or ambient soundscapes, can help maintain their concentration. Services like offer music designed to enhance cognitive performance by engaging the brain's neural circuits. Alternatively, noise-canceling headphones can be a great investment to block out unwanted sounds and create a controlled auditory environment conducive to writing.

Get in the “Write” Meditation Mindset

Before you begin a writing session, spend a few minutes in meditation to clear your mind and focus your thoughts. This can involve simple breathing exercises or a short guided meditation to help eliminate mental clutter and reduce stress, setting the stage for a productive writing session. Entering a meditative state before writing helps align your mental state with your creative intentions, making it easier to maintain focus and write quickly.

Visualize the Scene Before Writing It

For both fiction and non-fiction writers, visualizing what you are about to write can significantly enhance the quality and speed of your writing. Take a few moments to close your eyes and picture the scene you're about to describe, or visualize the flow of your argument in an essay. This technique helps by creating a mental blueprint of what you need to write, making the physical act of writing faster and more fluid. It also aids in bridging the gap between raw ideas and their expression in words, which is often where writers spend most of their time.

Setting Goals and Motivations

Effectively setting goals and maintaining motivation are key components of writing productivity. By focusing on achievable targets and engaging in community challenges, writers can significantly improve their speed and consistency.

Set Small Goals and Reward Yourself

Breaking down writing tasks into smaller, manageable goals is a proven strategy to enhance productivity and speed. By setting mini-goals—such as a certain number of words or pages per day—writers can create a sense of accomplishment that fuels further writing. Rewarding yourself after meeting these goals, with treats like a favorite snack, a short break, or watching an episode of a beloved show, can provide additional motivation to maintain momentum. This method not only helps in achieving daily writing targets but also keeps the process enjoyable and sustainable.

Participate in Writing Challenges like NaNoWriMo

Participation in writing challenges such as National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) can provide a structured and time-bound framework that many writers find incredibly motivating. NaNoWriMo challenges writers to complete a 50,000-word novel in November, fostering a community of peers who support each other’s goals. Such events harness the power of communal accountability and shared experiences, pushing writers to not only write faster but also to produce large volumes of work within a stipulated time frame.

Maintain Consistent Writing Habits

Consistency is key in any endeavor, and writing is no exception. Establishing and adhering to a regular writing schedule enhances productivity and helps to condition the mind for creative work. Whether it’s writing first thing in the morning, during lunch breaks, or late at night, finding a rhythm that works for your lifestyle and sticking to it can greatly increase your writing speed. Regular practice not only improves your ability to write quickly but also deepens your understanding of your own creative rhythms and preferences.

Set Purposeful Goals and Deadlines

Purposeful goal-setting involves defining clear, strategic objectives that align with your broader writing ambitions, whether it’s publishing a novel, completing a dissertation, or contributing regularly to a blog. Setting deadlines for these goals creates a sense of urgency that can compel you to write more efficiently. More than just setting deadlines, understanding the purpose behind your writing can provide a deeper motivation that sustains your writing momentum over the long term. It’s important to set goals that are not only time-bound but also meaningful and realistically achievable, as this provides a clear direction and measurable milestones along your writing journey.

Practical Tips and Tools

Practical Tips and Tools

Leveraging the right tools and strategies can dramatically enhance your ability to write faster and more effectively. In the digital age, a range of tools—from AI-driven software to task outsourcing platforms—can be utilized to streamline the writing process.

Use the Tools Available to You (Even AI)

The advent of AI and advanced writing tools has transformed the way writers approach their craft. Tools such as grammar checkers, style editors, and reference management software can save hours of manual editing and formatting. AI-powered tools like Grammarly or ProWritingAid provide real-time suggestions for grammar, style, and clarity improvements, enabling writers to produce polished content more quickly. Embracing these technologies can significantly cut down on the time spent revising and proofreading, allowing you to focus more on the creative aspects of writing.

Brainstorm with Tools like ChatGPT

AI tools like ChatGPT can play a pivotal role in the brainstorming process, especially when writers face creative blocks or need fresh ideas. These tools can generate content ideas, suggest plot developments, or even help with character creation based on minimal input from the user. Using AI for brainstorming can expedite the planning phase of writing, helping to outline articles, essays, or chapters of a book, thereby speeding up the entire writing process.

Use Special AI Software for Writing

For more specialized writing tasks, there are AI software solutions designed to cater to specific needs. For instance, software like Sudowrite, designed specifically for fiction writers, offers features such as automated story development tools and stylistic suggestions. These tools not only aid in generating content but also in refining it, ensuring the narrative flow and stylistic integrity of the piece. For academic writers, tools like Scrivener can help manage citations and references in addition to organizing notes and drafts systematically.

Outsource Non-essential Tasks

Outsourcing non-essential tasks is another effective strategy to free up more time for writing. Platforms like Upwork or Fiverr allow writers to delegate tasks such as data entry, research, or even basic drafting to freelancers. This can be particularly beneficial for content creators who need to maintain a high output of blog posts or articles. By outsourcing the more routine or administrative aspects of writing projects, you can concentrate on the core creative tasks and optimize your writing time.

Strategies for Specific Challenges

Strategies for Specific Challenges

Writing can present a range of challenges, from the fear of starting to the frustration of writer’s block. Here are strategies tailored to address specific hurdles in the writing process, helping you write faster and more efficiently.

Give Yourself Permission to Write Poorly

One of the most liberating ways to increase writing speed is to give yourself permission to write poorly in the first draft. The pressure to produce perfect sentences on the first try can significantly hinder progress. Instead, focus on getting your ideas down on paper without worrying about the quality of the writing. This approach can be particularly useful when working on a first draft or when you need to meet tight deadlines for blogs or essays. Remember, editing can always refine your initial ideas, but you cannot edit a blank page.

Write the First Line to Overcome Starting Inertia

Starting can often be the hardest part of writing. To combat this inertia, focus on crafting just the first line of your text. This can help break the initial barrier and set the tone for the rest of your writing session. Whether it’s a blog post, an essay, or a chapter in a book, a compelling first line can provide the momentum needed to carry on writing. Once you’ve overcome the hurdle of the first line, you may find that the subsequent content flows more naturally.

Find an Accountability Partner

Writing doesn't have to be a solitary endeavor. Partnering with a like-minded writer or joining a writing group can provide motivation and accountability, two essential ingredients for productivity. An accountability partner can help keep you on track, encouraging you to meet your writing goals and deadlines. Regular check-ins can motivate you to write faster and prevent procrastination, especially when tackling extensive projects like novels or long-term blog engagements.

Freewrite to Overcome Writer's Block

Freewriting is an excellent technique for overcoming writer’s block and sparking creativity. Set a timer for a short period—typically 10 to 15 minutes—and write continuously without stopping to correct or edit your work. This unfiltered writing can lead to new ideas and help you bypass mental barriers. Freewriting doesn't need to be directly related to your main project but can serve as a creative warm-up to get your thoughts flowing.

Maintain Your Health for Sustained Productivity

A writer’s productivity is closely tied to their physical and mental health. Regular exercise, adequate sleep, and a balanced diet can significantly impact your ability to focus and think clearly. Poor health habits can lead to fatigue and reduced cognitive function, both of which can slow down your writing speed. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle will not only improve your overall well-being but also enhance your writing performance in the long run.


The blog provides an array of tactics that go beyond mere speed, focusing on how to enhance overall writing productivity. It addresses both the mechanical aspects of writing and the mental and physical well-being of the writer, presenting a holistic approach to becoming a more efficient writer.

Frequently Asked Questions FAQs

How can I measure my progress in writing speed over time?

To measure progress in writing speed, track your daily word counts and the time spent writing. Use tools like Toggl to record writing sessions, and compare your word output over weeks or months to gauge improvements.

Are there specific exercises to increase typing speed that are most effective for writers?

Yes, touch typing exercises on websites like and 10FastFingers help improve speed and accuracy. Daily practice sessions focusing on these skills can lead to significant improvements in typing speed for writers.

What specific features should I look for in writing software to enhance my writing speed?

Look for writing software with features like auto-save, word count goals, distraction-free mode, and the ability to create templates or outlines, such as Scrivener or Microsoft Word, which can significantly streamline the writing process and boost speed.


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