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How to Conduct Automated SEO Audit in 2024

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Jan 18, 2024

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3 mins read
seo automation
SEO Audit Insights

SEO audits are essential, serving as a roadmap for enhancing online visibility and website performance. By identifying gaps and opportunities, audits enable businesses to refine their digital strategies effectively.

Automation streamlines the SEO audit process, ensuring consistency and precision. It provides a scalable solution for continuous optimization, allowing businesses to stay ahead in the competitive digital landscape.

This discussion aims to equip you with actionable insights on conducting an automated SEO audit, leveraging tools that drive traffic and improve rankings efficiently.

What is an SEO Audit?

An SEO audit is a comprehensive process to evaluate the search engine friendliness of a website. It involves analyzing various elements such as site structure, page load time, title tags, and image optimization to identify any issues that might be hindering the site's performance on search engines. The goal is to pinpoint areas for improvement, ensuring the site adheres to the best SEO practices and aligns with search engine algorithms. This step is crucial as it lays the foundation for a robust SEO strategy, helping to enhance the site's visibility and ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs).

What is an SEO Audit?

Why is an SEO Audit Important?

  1. Identifies Performance Issues: An SEO audit pinpoints specific problems that might be hindering your website's performance on search engines, such as slow loading times, poor mobile responsiveness, or broken links.

  2. Enhances User Experience: By identifying and fixing issues like complicated navigation, poor content structure, or slow page load times, an SEO audit helps create a smoother, more enjoyable user experience.

  3. Improves Search Engine Rankings: It helps in understanding how well your site complies with SEO best practices, which is crucial for improving your site's visibility and ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs).

  4. Uncovers Content Gaps: An SEO audit can reveal gaps in your content strategy, such as missing keywords, underperforming pages, or duplicate content, allowing you to make informed decisions to enhance your content.

  5. Boosts Website Traffic: By optimizing your site based on audit findings, you can attract more organic traffic, leading to increased visibility and potential conversions.

What’s an Automated SEO Audit?

An Automated SEO Audit employs tools and software to assess a website's adherence to SEO best practices. Unlike manual audits that require expert intervention, automated audits follow predefined rules and can evaluate multiple SEO metrics simultaneously, providing quick and comprehensive reports. These audits are particularly beneficial for managing multiple sites, as they can efficiently identify common issues like broken links, keyword density, and meta content. While automated audits focus on quantity and offer real-time data, they might lack the depth and customization of manual audits. They are ideal for gaining insights into recurring issues and preparing the groundwork for more detailed manual SEO interventions.

What’s an Automated SEO Audit?

How to Build an Automated SEO Audit

Building an automated SEO audit involves a series of steps designed to efficiently assess your website's SEO health. By leveraging tools and software, you can gain quick, comprehensive insights into your site's performance, identify issues, and make informed decisions to enhance your online presence.

Setting Up the Crawl to Run Automatically

Setting up the crawl is the first crucial step in creating an automated SEO audit. This process involves configuring a tool like Screaming Frog to systematically scan your website at regular intervals. By doing so, you ensure that your audit is always up-to-date with the latest data, providing a real-time snapshot of your website's SEO health.

General Settings

In the general settings of your chosen tool, you'll specify the basic parameters of your crawl. This includes naming the crawl for easy identification, deciding the frequency (daily, weekly, etc.), and setting the time of day it will run. These settings are vital to ensure that the crawl operates smoothly and provides the data when you need it.

Start Options

Under start options, you'll input the root URL of your website and configure any additional parameters necessary for a comprehensive crawl. This might include integrating Google Analytics or Google Search Console data to enrich your audit with additional insights.

Export Options

Export options are critical in determining how your data is saved and accessed. You'll need to select the appropriate format (e.g., Google Sheets) and decide on the specifics like creating timestamped folders and handling overwrites. This ensures that your data is organized and accessible for analysis.

Adjust the Data for Enhanced Insights

Adjust the Data for Enhanced Insights

Once your crawl is set up and running, the next step is to adjust the data to extract meaningful insights. This involves organizing the raw data into a format that's easy to understand and analyze, allowing you to spot trends, issues, and opportunities for optimization.

Setting Up the Automatic Spreadsheet

Setting up the automatic spreadsheet involves linking your crawl data to a tool like Google Sheets. This allows you to view and analyze your data in a flexible, user-friendly environment. You'll set up the spreadsheet to automatically pull in data from your crawls, ensuring you always have the latest information at your fingertips.

Modifying the Query Function

To make the most of your data, you may need to modify the query function in your spreadsheet. This involves adjusting the parameters to ensure that the data is being pulled and displayed correctly. By fine-tuning this function, you can ensure that your spreadsheet provides a clear, accurate view of your website's SEO performance.

Categorized Pages and Organic Results

An effective automated SEO audit will help you understand the structure of your site by categorizing pages and analyzing organic results. This insight is crucial for understanding how different sections of your site are performing and identifying areas for improvement.

Integrating SEMrush or Google Search Console Keywords

For a more comprehensive view of your SEO performance, you can integrate data from SEMrush or Google Search Console. This allows you to see which keywords are driving traffic to your site, how you're ranking for those keywords, and where there might be opportunities to improve your keyword strategy.

Integrating SEMrush or Google Search Console Keywords

Analyzing Internal Links

Finally, analyzing internal links is a crucial part of any SEO audit. Understanding how pages on your site link to each other can help you identify issues with site structure, find broken links, and uncover opportunities to improve the user experience and SEO performance.

By following these steps and utilizing the right tools, you can build a powerful automated SEO audit system that provides ongoing, actionable insights into your website's SEO health. Whether you're looking to improve rankings, drive more traffic, or just understand your site better, an automated audit is a valuable asset in your SEO toolkit.

Selecting the Right Tools for an Automated SEO Audit

Embarking on an automated SEO audit begins with choosing the right arsenal of tools that align with your business objectives. These digital instruments are the backbone of a thorough and effective audit, providing valuable insights into your website's health and performance.

Essential to the process are crawling tools. They delve into your website, page by page, mimicking the behavior of search engine bots. Their purpose is to gather extensive data on the architecture and content of your site, uncovering any issues that might be hindering your online visibility. The data collected forms a foundation upon which the rest of your audit will be built.

Yet, raw data alone is akin to uncut diamonds – valuable but not yet ready to shine. This is where automation tools for data analysis come into play. They transform vast amounts of data into actionable insights, identifying patterns and pinpointing discrepancies that could be affecting your website's search engine ranking. By automating this process, you're not only speeding up what would otherwise be a lengthy analysis but also ensuring accuracy that manual processing may not guarantee.

Meanwhile, plugins and extensions for SEO audits act as the Swiss Army knife in your toolkit. These add-ons integrate seamlessly with your browser or website, offering on-the-go assessments of your site's SEO health. From real-time page analysis to quick checks of meta tags and keywords, these tools are designed for convenience and immediacy, enabling you to make swift, informed decisions.

At the heart of these tools is's free website audit tool. It's a comprehensive solution that combines the capabilities of crawling, analysis, and immediate reporting. Our tool dives deep into your website to unearth critical insights, from site speed to content quality, all packaged in an easy-to-understand report. It's an invaluable asset for businesses aiming to climb the search engine ranks and enhance their online presence. By leveraging this free resource, you're not only gaining insights into your website's performance but also taking the first step toward a more robust, SEO-friendly future.

Comparing Manual and Automated SEO Audits

When it comes to optimizing your website for search engines, understanding the differences between manual and automated SEO audits is crucial. A manual audit involves a detailed, hands-on review by an SEO expert, while an automated SEO audit utilizes tools and software to scan your site quickly. Both approaches have their place in a comprehensive SEO strategy, offering different insights and benefits.

Difference Between Manual Audit vs. Automated SEO Audit

The primary difference lies in the approach and depth of analysis. Manual audits are thorough, customized, and can provide nuanced insights into your website's unique needs. They consider industry specifics, target audience, and competitive landscape. On the other hand, automated SEO audits are quick, scalable, and provide a general overview of your site's SEO health. They are excellent for identifying standard issues across multiple pages but may lack the depth and customization of manual reviews.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Manual SEO (Advantages of Manual Audit over Automated Audit

Advantages of Manual Audit over Automated Audit:

  1. Meeting Industry Standards: Manual audits are tailored to your industry, providing specific insights and recommendations that generic automated tools might miss.

  2. Indexing: Experts can make informed decisions about which pages to index or exclude, ensuring search engines correctly understand and prioritize your content.

  3. UI/UX: Manual audits can assess the user interface and user experience more accurately, offering recommendations to improve navigation, content placement, and overall site design.

  4. Duplicate Domain: Manual auditing can identify and resolve issues with multiple URL versions, ensuring users and search engines see the correct pages.

  5. Recommended Search Optimization: Experts can provide in-depth analysis and tailored recommendations for content optimization, internal linking, and other SEO strategies.

Disadvantages of Manual SEO:

  • Time-consuming: Manual audits can be labor-intensive and take longer to complete.

  • Cost: Hiring experienced SEO professionals for a manual audit can be expensive.

  • Keeping up with changes: Manual methods might miss out on the latest search engine updates and algorithms.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Automated SEO


  1. Speed: Automated tools can scan your entire site quickly, providing immediate insights.

  2. Cost-effective: Most automated tools are cheaper than hiring an SEO expert, with many offering basic scans for free.

  3. Handling Multiple Sites: Automated audits can easily manage and analyze multiple websites simultaneously.

  4. Real-time Data: They provide up-to-date information on your site's SEO performance.


  • Lack of Customization: Automated tools follow predefined rules and may not provide insights tailored to your specific industry or audience.

  • Potential Inaccuracies: They might miss nuanced issues or provide generic recommendations that don't apply to your site.

  • Quality vs. Quantity: Automated tools focus on identifying a large number of potential issues but might not prioritize them effectively.

When to Rely on an Automated SEO Audit?

When to Rely on an Automated SEO Audit?

Automated SEO audits are a powerful tool for maintaining the ongoing health of your website. They are particularly useful in the following scenarios:

  1. Regular Monitoring: For consistent, routine checks of your website's SEO health, an automated SEO audit is invaluable. It can quickly identify common issues like broken links, missing alt tags, or page speed problems.

  2. Multiple Websites: If you're managing several websites, automated audits can efficiently monitor all of them simultaneously, saving you time and effort.

  3. Quick Overview: When you need a fast, general assessment of your site's SEO, automated tools provide a speedy snapshot of areas that might need attention.

  4. Resource Constraints: If you're working with limited budget or manpower, automated audits can provide valuable insights without the need for extensive manual labor or expert analysis.

  5. Pre-Strategy Assessment: Before diving into a detailed manual audit or crafting a comprehensive SEO strategy, an automated audit can help identify the most pressing issues and set the direction for further analysis.

When Do You Need to Perform a Manual SEO Audit?

While automated SEO audits offer speed and convenience, there are times when the depth and nuance of a manual audit are necessary:

  1. Complex Issues: For intricate problems or when you need an in-depth analysis of your SEO strategy, a manual audit conducted by an expert can provide the detailed insights and customized recommendations you need.

  2. Major Updates: If you're planning significant changes to your website, such as a redesign, rebranding, or migration, a manual audit can ensure that your SEO isn't negatively impacted and that opportunities for improvement are fully leveraged.

  3. Penalty Recovery: If your site has been penalized by search engines, a manual audit is essential to identify the specific issues, understand the root causes, and develop a clear plan for recovery.

  4. Competitive Analysis: When you need to understand your SEO performance in the context of your competitive landscape, a manual audit can provide a detailed comparison and help you identify strategies to gain an edge.

  5. Customization and Strategy: For a strategy tailored to your unique business goals, industry, and audience, a manual audit can provide the customized insights and strategic direction that automated tools cannot.

Interpreting and Analyzing Your Automated SEO Audit Results

Once the automated SEO audit concludes, a wealth of data awaits. Now comes the critical phase of interpretation—transforming numbers and charts into meaningful actions. The audit has mapped out the terrain; it's time to navigate through it. As we dissect the audit's findings, we delve into performance issues, gauge website speed and user experience, and scrutinize search engine rankings alongside traffic data.

  • The crux lies in pinpointing performance bottlenecks. This process is akin to a diagnostic exam for your website, where every element is scrutinized for optimization gaps. From meta tags falling short to broken links lurking in the depths, identifying these issues paves the way for strategic improvements. Actionable insights emerge, guiding you to refine and enhance your website's structural and content-related facets.

  • Speed is more than a number; it's the heartbeat of user satisfaction. Analyzing website speed goes hand-in-hand with evaluating user experience. In the digital age, a slow website is a silent business killer. It’s not just about quick load times; it’s about creating a seamless journey for your visitors. By optimizing speed, you ensure that users glide through your site with ease, positively affecting their engagement and retention.

  • Lastly, evaluating search engine rankings and traffic data closes the loop. Rankings are the pulse that indicates your website's health in the eyes of search engines, and traffic data tells the story of your audience's behaviors and preferences. Together, they provide a comprehensive view of your website's SEO performance, highlighting successes and signaling where there's room to climb higher in the search results.

Implementing Recommendations and Monitoring Progress

  • Once an automated SEO audit has been completed, the real work begins. It's not just about gathering insights; it's about taking action. The recommendations provided by the audit are a treasure trove of opportunities, but they require careful prioritization. Focusing on high-impact tasks first can significantly enhance your website's SEO performance. It's about making strategic decisions that align with your business goals and digital marketing objectives. Whether it's refining your meta descriptions, optimizing your page load speed, or improving the mobile responsiveness of your site, each task should be tackled with precision and purpose.

  • Effective implementation is a collaborative effort. Stakeholders from various departments, be it marketing, IT, or content creation, need to come together to breathe life into the audit's findings. Communication is key in this step—ensuring everyone understands the tasks at hand and their role in the execution. It's a symphony of expertise, where each player's contribution is vital to the harmony of the final outcome. With everyone on the same page, the implementation process becomes more streamlined and impactful.

  • But the journey doesn't end with implementation. Monitoring the impact of these changes is what turns a good SEO strategy into a great one. Use analytics to track progress and watch for improvements in website performance. This is not a one-time event but an ongoing process of refinement. As search engines evolve and user behaviors change, so must your website. Keeping a pulse on the performance will alert you to new opportunities and areas that need adjustment. It's an agile approach to SEO, where your strategies grow and evolve in tandem with the digital ecosystem.

Continuous Improvement Through Automated SEO Audits

The pursuit of excellence is ongoing, and this is particularly true when it comes to SEO. An automated SEO audit is not a one-off event; it's the first step in a cycle of continuous improvement, an endless loop of learning, updating, and staying ahead. Let's delve into how businesses can harness this dynamism for enduring SEO success.

  • Every audit is a learning opportunity. It's a deep dive into the inner workings of your website from an SEO perspective, revealing what works and what doesn't. These lessons are invaluable; they serve as a blueprint for the ongoing refinement of your SEO strategy. But the key is to act on these lessons. Implement changes, big or small, and observe the impact. Analytics play a crucial role here. They offer a clear view of the results of your adjustments, allowing you to calibrate further and fine-tune your approach with precision.

  • Technology evolves at a breakneck pace, and SEO tools are no exception. Keeping your audit tools and configurations up to date is critical to maintaining the accuracy and relevance of your insights. As search engines update their algorithms, so too should your tools adapt to these changes. Regularly updating your configurations ensures that you are always auditing against the most current standards, capturing data that is reflective of the current SEO climate.

  • SEO is not static. It's a field driven by trends and best practices that shift with the tides of technology and user behavior. Staying ahead means keeping your finger on the pulse of these changes. It's about being proactive, not reactive. By staying informed and agile, you can anticipate shifts in SEO trends and adapt accordingly. This forward-thinking approach is what will distinguish your business and keep your website at the forefront of search engine rankings.

Conclusion: The Future of SEO with Automation

The journey through the intricacies of an automated SEO audit has been enlightening. We've seen how leveraging technology not only streamlines the process but also elevates the precision and effectiveness of our SEO strategies. It's clear that in the fast-paced digital world, where every second counts, the ability to conduct thorough, consistent, and regular SEO audits without manual intervention is invaluable.

Now, we stand at a juncture where the next step is crucial. It's one thing to understand the importance of automated SEO audits, and quite another to put this knowledge into action. The potential benefits for your business are immense: from saving time to gaining a competitive edge in search rankings, the advantages of an automated approach are too significant to ignore.

Your Audit, Our Expertise

Our commitment to providing actionable SEO insights is grounded in authoritative data and trusted methodologies. The facts and statistics presented in this blog are sourced from credible industry leaders and research institutions, ensuring the advice you receive is both reliable and practical. For those seeking to elevate their digital presence, our free website audit tool offers a comprehensive analysis to identify areas for enhancement and drive online growth.


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