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How to Use AI in B2B Marketing

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Jan 19, 2024

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ai marketing
AI in B2B Marketing

AI is all over the internet.

Businesses you deal with know that technology can offer highly personalized experiences because they use it every day on various apps. They expect the same personalized touch from your business-to-business (B2B) website.

69% of customers look forward to consistent experiences across different channels.

Using AI isn't a choice anymore – your competitors are already using it to their advantage. 84% of marketers now incorporate AI into their strategies, which is a significant increase from just 29% in 2018.

Here's a look at how to use AI in B2B marketing.

AI and Business Marketing: Exploring 3 Pros and Cons

AI in Marketing: A New Tool or a Major Shift?

  • A Major Shift: AI represents a fundamental shift in B2B marketing, moving beyond traditional tools and methods to offer dynamic, data-driven strategies that can significantly enhance marketing effectiveness and efficiency.

  • Beyond a Simple Tool: AI in B2B marketing is not just another tool in the marketer's toolkit; it's a transformative force that changes how businesses approach everything from customer segmentation to content creation and lead nurturing.

The Reality of AI in Targeted Marketing: No Quick Fixes

  • Complex Integration: Successfully integrating AI into targeted marketing strategies involves navigating a complex landscape of technologies and processes, requiring a deep understanding and strategic approach.

  • Ethical Considerations: As businesses adopt AI in B2B marketing, they must also consider the ethical implications, including issues of data privacy, transparency, and the potential for bias, ensuring that their use of AI is responsible and ethical.

  • Continuous Learning and Adaptation: The effective use of AI in targeted marketing is not a one-time effort but a continuous process of learning, experimentation, and adaptation to keep pace with evolving technologies and market dynamics.

Understanding Smart Content in the Age of AI

  • Dynamic Content Creation: AI enables the creation of dynamic, personalized content that can adapt to the individual needs and preferences of each customer, enhancing engagement and effectiveness.

  • Real-Time Insights and Adaptation: AI tools can provide real-time insights into how content is performing and how audiences are engaging with it, allowing marketers to adapt their strategies on the fly for better results.

  • Future of Content Metrics: As AI becomes more integrated into content creation and distribution, businesses will need to develop new metrics and methods for understanding the impact of their content, moving beyond traditional KPIs to more nuanced measures of engagement and effectiveness.

6 Simple Strategies to Grow Your Business with AI

Blending Online and Offline Customer Information

  • Create a 360-Degree Customer View: Use AI to integrate online and offline customer data, providing a comprehensive understanding of customer behavior and preferences.

  • Enhance Personalization: Leverage this integrated data to personalize marketing efforts across all touchpoints, ensuring a consistent and engaging customer experience.

  • Optimize Customer Interactions: Apply insights from the combined data to optimize interactions and improve customer engagement and conversion rates.

Sorting Customers into Groups

  • Automate Customer Segmentation: Utilize AI to automatically segment customers based on behavior, demographics, and preferences, enabling more targeted and effective marketing.

  • Refine Marketing Strategies: Use AI-driven segmentation to refine your marketing strategies, ensuring that the right messages reach the right audiences at the right time.

  • Increase Conversion Rates: Tailor your marketing efforts to the specific needs and interests of each segment, increasing the relevance of your messages and boosting conversion rates.

Spotting the Best Leads

  • Enhance Lead Scoring: Implement AI to improve lead scoring mechanisms, identifying the most promising leads based on their behavior and engagement.

  • Prioritize Sales Efforts: Use AI insights to prioritize sales efforts, focusing on leads that are most likely to convert and providing them with personalized attention.

  • Improve Sales Conversion: By focusing on high-quality leads, your sales team can improve their conversion rates and drive more revenue for the business.

Spotting the Best Leads

Source: HubSpot

Gleaning Insights from Social Media

  • Monitor Social Media Trends: Use AI to monitor and analyze social media trends, gaining insights into customer sentiment, preferences, and emerging market trends.

  • Engage Proactively: Leverage social media insights to engage proactively with your audience, addressing their needs and concerns in real-time.

  • Refine Marketing Messages: Apply the insights gained from social media to refine your marketing messages, ensuring they resonate with your audience and reflect current trends and preferences.

Tailoring Your Messages

  • Personalize at Scale: Utilize AI to personalize marketing messages at scale, ensuring that each customer receives content that is relevant and engaging to them.

  • Dynamic Content Adaptation: Implement AI to dynamically adapt content based on customer interactions and feedback, continuously improving the relevance and effectiveness of your messages.

  • Enhance Customer Experience: By providing personalized and relevant content, you can enhance the overall customer experience, building loyalty and driving long-term business growth.

Streamlining Your Email Campaigns

  • Automate Email Personalization: Use AI to automate the personalization of email campaigns, ensuring that each recipient receives content that is tailored to their interests and behaviors.

  • Optimize Send Times: Leverage AI to determine the optimal send times for each recipient, increasing the likelihood that your emails will be opened and read.

  • Improve Email Performance: Continuously analyze email campaign performance using AI, applying the insights gained to refine your strategy and improve future campaigns.

Nine Essential AI Tactics for Business Marketers

Combining Customer Data from All Sources

  • Integrate Data: Use AI to merge online and offline customer data, creating a unified view of each customer's interactions and preferences.

  • Enhance Insights: Leverage this integrated data to gain deeper insights into customer behavior, enhancing your AI B2B marketing strategy.

  • Drive Personalization: Apply these insights to drive personalized marketing efforts, improving engagement and conversion rates.

Offering the Right Deals at the Right Time

  • Utilize Predictive Analytics: Implement AI to predict the best offers for customers based on their past behavior and preferences.

  • Automate Offer Delivery: Use AI to automate the delivery of personalized offers at the optimal time, increasing the likelihood of conversion.

  • Refine Offer Strategies: Continuously analyze the performance of your offers and refine your strategy based on AI-generated insights.

Advanced Customer Grouping

  • Segment Precisely: Employ AI to segment customers more accurately based on a wide range of criteria, including behavior, demographics, and purchase history.

  • Tailor Marketing Efforts: Use these segments to tailor your marketing efforts, ensuring that each group receives messages that resonate with them.

  • Enhance Responsiveness: Adjust your segments and strategies in real-time based on AI-driven insights, staying responsive to changing customer needs.

Predicting Customer Actions

  • Forecast Behaviors: Implement AI to forecast customer behaviors, such as purchasing patterns and potential churn, allowing you to proactively address their needs.

  • Anticipate Needs: Use these predictions to anticipate customer needs and provide solutions before they even realize they need them.

  • Optimize Engagement: Adjust your engagement strategies based on predicted behaviors to optimize customer interactions and outcomes.

Crafting Effective Online Ads

Ad Copy Creation
  • Automate Ad Creation: Use AI to automate the creation of online ads, ensuring they are optimized for performance and relevance.

  • Personalize Ads: Leverage AI to personalize ads for different segments, increasing their effectiveness and engagement.

  • Measure and Adapt: Continuously measure ad performance using AI and adapt your strategies accordingly to maximize ROI.

Making Each Customer's Journey Unique

  • Map Personalized Journeys: Utilize AI to map out and automate personalized customer journeys based on individual preferences and behaviors.

  • Enhance Touchpoints: Ensure each touchpoint is personalized and relevant, enhancing the overall customer experience.

  • Monitor and Optimize: Continuously monitor customer journeys using AI and optimize them in real-time for better results.

Simplifying Customer Interactions

  • Automate Interactions: Implement AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants to automate and simplify customer interactions, providing quick and relevant responses.

  • Understand Context: Ensure your AI tools understand the context of customer inquiries for more accurate and helpful interactions.

  • Human Touch: Balance automated interactions with opportunities for customers to connect with human representatives when needed.

Ensuring Consistent Customer Experiences Across All Platforms

  • Unify Experiences: Use AI to ensure that customer experiences are consistent and personalized across all platforms, from social media to email to your website.

  • Adapt to Platforms: Tailor experiences to the unique features and user expectations of each platform while maintaining a cohesive overall strategy.

  • Gather Feedback: Continuously gather and analyze customer feedback across platforms to further refine and improve their experiences.

Measuring and Improving Campaign Results

  • Implement Real-Time Analytics: Use AI for real-time analytics to measure campaign performance and customer engagement.

Review Your AI SEO Data
  • Adapt Strategies: Quickly adapt and optimize your marketing strategies based on AI-generated insights and performance metrics.

  • Demonstrate ROI: Use AI to clearly demonstrate the ROI of your marketing efforts, helping to justify and guide future investments in AI technologies.

Why AI is a Turning Point in B2B Marketing


Source: Smart Insights

AI in B2B marketing is revolutionizing how businesses understand and interact with their customers, offering unprecedented personalization and predictive insights. The integration of AI technologies allows for more efficient and effective marketing strategies, saving time and resources while enhancing outcomes. AI's ability to analyze and learn from data is transforming B2B marketing, making it a critical turning point for businesses seeking competitive advantage.

The Logic Behind AI in Marketing

  • B2B marketing AI leverages data to understand customer behavior, preferences, and trends, enabling more targeted and effective marketing campaigns.

  • AI's predictive analytics help businesses anticipate market changes and customer needs, allowing for proactive strategy adjustments.

  • By automating repetitive tasks, AI allows marketers to focus on creative and strategic tasks, enhancing overall marketing productivity.

Unpacking the Hype Around AI

  • While AI for B2B is surrounded by hype, its real value lies in its ability to transform data into actionable insights and automate complex processes.

  • Skepticism is natural, but the tangible benefits of AI in enhancing customer experiences and driving growth are undeniable.

  • As AI technology continues to evolve, its potential to reshape B2B marketing strategies and operations only grows.

Real Results from AI in Marketing

  • Businesses using AI B2B marketing strategies report improved lead generation, customer engagement, and conversion rates.

  • AI-driven personalization results in higher customer satisfaction and loyalty, as content and offers are more relevant and timely.

  • Real-time analytics and insights provided by AI enable quicker and more informed decision-making, leading to better marketing outcomes.

Five Ways AI Can Enhance Your Marketing Efforts

  • Better Data Understanding: AI's advanced analytics provide deep insights into customer behavior and market trends.

  • Smarter Task Handling: Automating routine tasks allows teams to focus on strategy and innovation.

  • Anticipating Future Trends: Predictive analytics enable marketers to stay ahead of market shifts and customer needs.

  • Customizing at a Large Scale: AI enables personalization at scale, ensuring each customer feels uniquely valued.

  • Boosting Customer Satisfaction: By understanding and anticipating customer needs, AI helps deliver superior experiences.

Major Advantages of AI in Marketing

  • Creating Content: AI can generate and optimize content, making it more relevant and engaging for the target audience.

Content Optimization With AI SEO
  • Fostering Creativity: By handling routine tasks, AI frees marketers to focus on creative and strategic endeavors.

  • Saving Time and Money: Automation and efficiency gains from AI can significantly reduce operational costs.

  • Gaining Insights from Data: AI's ability to process and analyze large data sets provides valuable insights for decision-making.

How to Create AI B2B Marketing Strategy?

  • Understand Your Audience: Begin by leveraging AI to analyze and understand your target B2B audience. Utilize AI-driven analytics to segment your audience and predict their behavior, ensuring your AI B2B marketing strategy is tailored to meet their specific needs.

  • Set Clear Objectives: Define what you want to achieve with your AI in B2B marketing efforts. Whether it's increasing leads, enhancing customer engagement, or improving conversion rates, having clear, measurable goals is crucial for strategy optimization.

  • Choose the Right AI Tools: Select AI tools that align with your B2B marketing objectives. From predictive analytics to AI-powered CRM systems, the right tools can enhance your understanding of the market and automate complex tasks.

  • Personalize Your Content: Use AI to personalize marketing content at scale. AI can help create personalized emails, content, and recommendations, making your B2B marketing AI more effective in engaging potential clients.

  • Optimize Lead Scoring and Nurturing: Implement AI for B2B to refine lead scoring mechanisms. AI can predict which leads are most likely to convert, allowing you to focus your efforts and resources more efficiently.

  • Monitor and Adapt: Continuously monitor the performance of your AI B2B marketing strategy. Use AI-driven insights to adapt and refine your approach, ensuring it remains effective and relevant in the ever-evolving B2B landscape.

AI tools for B2B marketing

AI tools for B2B marketing leverage advanced technologies to streamline processes, enhance decision-making, and provide deeper insights into customer behavior. Here's a list of AI tools specifically tailored for B2B marketing needs:

1. Lead Generation and Scoring

  • Leadfeeder: Tracks website visitors and provides insights into which companies they come from, helping you identify potential leads.

  • 6sense: Uses AI to predict where buyers are in their journey and provides insights to target them effectively with ABM strategies.

2. Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

  • Salesforce Einstein: An AI layer within Salesforce CRM that delivers predictions and recommendations based on business processes and customer data.

  • Zoho CRM: Features Zia, an AI assistant that can predict the likelihood of a lead converting and suggest the best times to contact prospects.

Zoho CRM

3. Content Creation and Optimization

  • MarketMuse: Uses AI to analyze content and suggest improvements, helping marketers create content that resonates with their target B2B audience.

  • Curata: An AI-driven content curation tool that helps marketers find and share the most relevant and high-quality content.


4. Email Marketing and Personalization

  • Persado: Employs AI to craft the most effective marketing language for your message, optimizing email campaigns for engagement.

  • Seventh Sense: Optimizes email send times and frequency for each individual recipient, enhancing open rates and engagement.

5. Chatbots and Conversational Marketing

  • Drift: Provides AI-powered chatbots that can qualify leads, book meetings, and provide instant responses to B2B clients.

  • Intercom: Offers a suite of messaging-first tools that use AI to engage, support, and convert customers throughout the buyer's journey.


6. Predictive Analytics

  • Infer: Offers predictive lead scoring using AI to identify which leads are most likely to convert.

  • Pipeliner CRM: Features an AI engine that provides insights and forecasts to help sales teams focus on the right opportunities.

Pipeliner CRM

7. Advertising and Targeting

  • AdRoll: Uses AI to optimize ad campaigns, targeting the right B2B audience with personalized ads across multiple platforms.

  • Albert: An autonomous digital marketing AI that executes campaigns from start to finish, learning and optimizing from ongoing data.

8. Social Media and Sentiment Analysis

  • Brandwatch: Provides AI-powered social listening to understand market trends, track brand perception, and identify new opportunities.

  • NetBase Quid: Offers real-time social media analytics and sentiment analysis to understand customer opinions and trends.

9. SEO and Site Optimization

  • BrightEdge: Uses AI to provide real-time search insights and recommendations for optimizing website content and improving search rankings.

  • Moz Pro: Offers an AI-powered SEO toolset that helps you understand and improve your site's visibility in search engines.

10. Account-Based Marketing (ABM)

  • Demandbase: A comprehensive ABM platform with AI capabilities to identify and target high-value accounts with personalized campaigns.

  • Terminus: Provides an end-to-end platform for executing ABM strategies, with AI features to target and engage key accounts effectively.

11. Market Intelligence and Competitor Analysis

  • Crayon: Uses AI to track and analyze competitor activity, providing insights to inform your marketing and strategic decisions.

  • Kompyte: Tracks competitors in real-time and uses AI to provide actionable insights, helping you stay ahead in the market.

Overcoming Challenges and Risks in Adoption of AI in B2B Marketing

Embracing AI in B2B marketing is not without its hurdles. As businesses embark on this technological journey, they encounter a variety of challenges that can dampen the enthusiasm for AI's potential. These challenges range from data quality issues and integration headaches to a shortage of AI expertise and resistance to change within the organization. Recognizing these challenges is the first step towards addressing them.

However, the path to AI adoption need not be fraught with obstacles. By adopting a strategic approach, B2B marketers can navigate the complexities of AI integration. It begins with ensuring that your data is clean, organized, and accessible. Prioritizing data hygiene sets a strong foundation for AI tools to operate effectively. Next, consider partnering with AI experts who can guide the implementation process, offering insights into best practices and avoiding common pitfalls. It's also vital to foster a culture of innovation within your team, one that values continuous learning and adaptability.

Here are some actionable tips to help ensure successful AI integration in your marketing efforts:

  • Start small with AI projects that can deliver quick wins and build organizational confidence.

  • Invest in training to upskill your team, making them proficient in leveraging AI tools.

  • Set clear goals for what you aim to achieve with AI, and track your progress meticulously.

  • Choose AI solutions that are known for their user-friendliness and strong customer support.

Remember, the adoption of AI in B2B marketing is a transformative process that holds the promise of significant rewards. With the right strategies in place, the risks can be managed, and the full spectrum of AI's capabilities can be harnessed to drive marketing success.


As we conclude this exploration of AI in B2B marketing, it's clear that the integration of artificial intelligence is not just a passing trend but a strategic imperative. The benefits of using AI are manifold, from the granular precision of customer segmentation to the efficiency of automated email campaigns. AI's capacity to analyze vast data sets and generate actionable insights is transforming B2B marketing into a field that's not only data-driven but also deeply attuned to the individual needs of each client.

For businesses looking to stay competitive and innovative, embracing AI-powered marketing tools is the next logical step. Platforms like stand at the forefront of this revolution, offering personalized AI content creation and SEO optimization that are designed to elevate your marketing efforts and drive significant ROI. The seamless integration of social media and the ability to generate high-converting ad copy are just a few examples of how AI can amplify your marketing voice in a crowded digital space.

There's no better time to start than now, and with, beginning is as simple as signing up for a 3-day free trial. Take this opportunity to experience firsthand the power of AI-driven content marketing services. Let AI take the wheel, driving your content strategy forward, optimizing every campaign, and ensuring that every piece of marketing collateral is not just seen but also resonates. Visit to begin your journey to smarter marketing.


1. How can AI be used in B2B marketing?

AI automates tasks, identifies leads, predicts buyer behavior, personalizes experiences and analyzes complex data for insights.

2. What are the AI solutions for B2B?

B2B AI solutions include predictive analytics tools, lead scoring & nurturing platforms, content generation/optimization tools, and chatbots for personalized engagement.

3. How can AI help solve B2B marketing challenges?

AI tackles B2B's long sales cycles by identifying high-potential leads, optimizing content for decision-makers, and tailoring campaigns to specific buyer personas.


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